佛光山中美寺 滴水坊
- 以香積妙味弘揚佛法:滴水坊除供應各種不同口味的餐點,讓來寺禮佛者及參觀遊客品嘗到色香味俱全的佳肴。
- 以給人方便推廣素食:「滴水坊」的開設不為商業、謀利,而是給予信徒會員與大眾方便;主要為大眾提供一個方便素食的場所,一壺茶、一份餐點,也能讓人品得歡喜、嘗得健康。
- 以一面一飯為主,簡便的餐食配以茶水、心為輔,做到環保務實、益世的現代經營理念,將自然、健康、養生的現代飲食文化帶進社會各階層。
- 提供一個祥和舒適及具文化氣息的空間,讓大眾能夠在典雅的環境找到心靈的桃花源,感受美好歡喜的時光。令人暫時拋開喧囂吵雜的城市生活,仿佛置身澄凈的寶地,格外覺得輕安自在。
麵食/飯 Noodles & Rice
- 紅燒湯麵 Tomato/Chilli Soup
- 吉祥湯麵 Ground Mushroom and Vegetarian Ham Noodle Soup
- 吉祥乾麵 Ground Mushroom and Vegetarian Ham Noodles
- 素燥飯 Ground Mushroom and Vegetarian Ham Rice
- 橄欖菜炒飯 Kale Fried Rice
- 泡菜豆腐煲 Kimchi-Tofu Pot with Rice
- 翡翠炒飯 Jadeite Fried Rice

小菜 Appetizers/Snacks
- 煎餃8粒 Pot-Stickers
- 如意角 Pocket Sandwich

茶 Teas
- 水果茶 Special Fruit Tea
- 無我茶 Prosperity Tea
- 薰衣茶 Lavender Tea
- 琥珀茶 Amber Tea
- 黑森林茶 Black Forest Tea

茶館景觀 Teahouse Views
(To go forward or backward amongst the above images, click on the white arrows on the left or right sides of the image. To pause on an image, simply place the mouse over the image.)
開放時間 : 星期二至星期日
營業時間 : 11:30 AM – 3:00 PM
12550 Jebbia Lane, Stafford, TX 77477
Email : houston@ibps.org Tel : 281-495-3100
Positive growth.
Nature, in the common sense, refers to essences unchanged by man; space, the air, the river, the leaf. Art is applied to the mixture of his will with the same things, as in a house, a canal, a statue, a picture. But his operations taken together are so insignificant, a little chipping, baking, patching, and washing, that in an impression so grand as that of the world on the human mind, they do not vary the result.

Undoubtedly we have no questions to ask which are unanswerable. We must trust the perfection of the creation so far, as to believe that whatever curiosity the order of things has awakened in our minds, the order of things can satisfy. Every man’s condition is a solution in hieroglyphic to those inquiries he would put.